Cartoonist Alison Bechdel shared the 2016 Winter Words stage with Beth Malone, who plays Alison in the Tony Award-winning muscial Fun Home, adapted from Bechdel’s graphic novel. Read about their conversation on the AW blog. BIO
Cartoonist Alison Bechdel is the creator of the long-running comic strip, Dykes to Watch Out For. She has published two graphic memoirs. Fun Home: A Family Tragicomic is about her childhood in an artistic family and her relationship with her father, and has been developed into a Broadway musical starring Beth Malone.Are You My Mother? A Comic Drama explores her relationship with her mother through the lens of psychoanalytic theory. She is the recipient of a 2014 MacArthur fellowship.

Time Out-Beth Malone + Alison Bechdel
the Aspen Daily News cover story about Alison Bechdel + Beth Malone’s Winter Words event.
