William Finnegan has been a staff writer at The New Yorker since 1987. He has reported from South Africa, Mozambique, Somalia, Sudan, Mexico, Central America, South America, Spain, Britain, Australia, Madagascar, Ukraine, Moldova, the Gulf States and the Balkans, as well as from many places in the United States. He has written primarily about politics, war, poverty, race, U.S. foreign policy, organized crime, globalization and surfing. He is the author of five books. His work has won many awards, including two Overseas Press Club awards and the 2016 Pulitzer Prize for Autobiography for his best-selling memoir, “Barbarian Days: A Surfing Life.” He lives in Manhattan with his wife and daughter.

Finnegan’s Wake
Aspen Magazine, Jonathan Bastian, Midwinter 2018

‘Barbarian Days’ Author and New Yorker Staff Writer William Finnegan Coming to Winter Words
Aspen Times, Andrew Travers, March 19, 2018

